Dr. Joe: Latina Teens, Suicide Attempts And Mental Health ‘Secretos’ – NBC News

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As a young boy I remember asking my mother about a family friend who would mysteriously be missing from family functions for months at a time and neve Source: Dr. Joe: Latina Teens, Suicide Attempts And Mental Health ‘Secretos’ – NBC News

At 15 She Attempted Suicide: I Felt Like I Wasn’t The Ideal Mexican Daughter

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14 to 15 is the peak age for suicide attempts among Latina girls, data shows. Image source: i_Stock 14 to 15 is the peak age for suicide attempts among Latina girls, data shows iStock According to reports, 14 to 15 is the peak age for suicide attempts among Latinas. Source: At 15 She Attempted Suicide: […]

Dr. Luis Zayas, UT Austin – Latina Suicide Rates | WAMC

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Dr. Luis Zayas, UT Austin One segment of the population commits suicide more than any other: Hispanics teens. Dr. Luis Zayas, Dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Source: Dr. Luis Zayas, UT Austin – Latina Suicide Rates | WAMC

Film in American Popular Culture

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AN INSTITUTE FOR AMERICAN STUDIES AND CREATIVE WRITING Real Women Have Curves, the 2002 film based on Josefina López’s two act play, politicizes the female form by strategically exposing and subverting dominant ideals about body image. López takes the overweight form, so often marginalized (like the immigrant) by society and popular culture, and redefines this […]

Culture / Acculturation

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To what culture would Latinas’ suicidal ideations and attempts be bound?     “Is Culture To Blame for High Latina Suicide Attempt Rates?” This is the actual title of an article published by NewsTaco, a Latino online source which provides innovative and insightful news, critique, analysis, and opinions. The headline of the article is significant […]

Public Health Hot Topic: Support group for Latina teens confronts depression, suicide – Diversity Matters

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Image source: Wikimedia Commons All Lismari Montes, 15, had to do was find the bottle of prescribed sleeping pills that were hidden in her parent’s room. “I’m done” was all she could think as she walked upstairs to her room, yearning for escape from her exhausting fight with depression. Source: Milwaukee NNS Anger drove her […]

All Aboard the “Suicide Train” Alarming Suicide Rate among Young Latinas | Dr. Roy Aranda

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Image source: freegreatpicture.com At a recent panel discussion held in Brooklyn, NY, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand stated that “too many of our young Latinas across the county are contemplating and attempting suicide.” The panel dis… Source: All Aboard the “Suicide Train” Alarming Suicide Rate among Young Latinas | Dr. Roy Aranda

Hispanic or Latino? Why their identity is so complicated – CNN.com

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Source Image: CNN If there’s one thing everyone should know about Hispanics in the United States, it’s that this growing minority is in the middle of a stressful identity crisis. Source: Hispanic or Latino? Why their identity is so complicated – CNN.com