(de)Americanization of Latino Youth | Maria Chavez | TEDxTacoma – YouTube

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This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. I was born and raised in Northern California. My father’s family and my mother’s family, both from Mexico, emigrated to the U.S. during the Bracero guest worker program. I am the eldest of four children […]

Suicide: Latina Teens – YouTube

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WUSTLBrownSchool – Suicide: Latina Teens Luis Zayas’ commitment to U.S. Latinas and their struggle with suicide started in the 1970s when he encountered the pain and suffering that the teenage girls and their parents were experiencing during his work in emergency rooms and mental health-care clinics. “Latinas have the highest rate of suicide attempt among […]

A Review of “Rethinking the Concept of Acculturation” (Schwa by Emily Blevins on Prezi

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Image source: https://prezi.com/xw2braphdo_a/a-review-of-rethinking-the-concept-of-acculturation-schwa/ Multidimensional Model of Acculturation Acculturation: a complex phenomenon consisting of distinct components in terms of heritage and receiving cultural dimensions and in terms of practices, values, and identifications. Source: A Review of “Rethinking the Concept of Acculturation” (Schwa by Emily Blevins on Prezi

Empress Of’s Lorely Rodriguez: ‘I’m going to be the weirdest person I can possibly be.’ | Public Radio International

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Lorely Rodriguez performs as Empress Of. Here she sits with her mother, Reina Credit: Tower Records Her mom wanted her to become a TV news reporter. Then she listened to Björk — and set her sights on music stardom. #globalnation Source: Empress Of’s Lorely Rodriguez: ‘I’m going to be the weirdest person I can possibly […]

The Folk Feminist Struggle Behind the Chola Fashion Trend | VICE | United States

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Acculturation, Blog, Identity, Inequality, power and priviledge, racial-ethnic inequality, social identity-class, social identity-ethnicity, social identity-in-betwenness, social identity-race

Picture source: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/the-history-of-the-chola-456 When I see the rebel Latino subculture being sampled and recontextualized by bourgeois white fashion designers, pop singers, or celebrity starlets, I can’t help rolling my eyes. Source: The Folk Feminist Struggle Behind the Chola Fashion Trend | VICE | United States

Speaker spotlights Latina youths’ suicide attempts

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Picture source: https://voicesofny.org/2012/07/report-sets-of-alarms-on-latina-teen-suicide/ Attempted suicides among Latina youths continue to occur at higher rates than other youths, sometimes twice as high Doctor shares research in talk By Michelle Gaitan of the San Angelo Standard-Times Attempted suicides among Latina youths continue to occur at higher rates than other youths — sometimes twice as high. Dr. Luis […]

V. National Identity and Attachment | Pew Research Center

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http://www.pewhispanic.org/2007/10/25/v-national-identity-and-attachment/ Even as Latino immigrants remain connected to relatives and friends in their country of origin, they develop attachments to the U.S. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that this is not an either/or proposition. Immigrants who maintain ties to their countries of origin also cultivate attitudes that show they are putting down psychological […]

Between Here and There: How Attached Are Latino Immigrants to Their Native Country? | Pew Research Center

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Source: http://www.pewhispanic.org/2007/10/25/iii-communication/ Most Latino immigrants maintain some kind of connection to their native country by sending remittances, traveling back or telephoning relatives, but the extent to which they engage in these transnational activities varies considerably. Source: Between Here and There: How Attached Are Latino Immigrants to Their Native Country? | Pew Research Center

Neither Here Nor There on Vimeo

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Migration is embedded in the human psyche. It is part of our early hunter-gatherer history, part of our DNA. Migration is tied to the human spirit, which seeks adventure, pursues dreams, and finds reasons to hope even in the most adverse circumstances. In recent years, many Latinos from Mexico, Central America, and South America have […]

¡Salud! Myths and Reality of Mexican Immigrant Health – selected cuts on Vimeo

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This video contains selected cuts from ¡Salud! Myths and Reality of Mexican Immigrant Health,” is a documentary film focussed on the healthcare and health disparities of Mexican immigrants in the United States, the ‘Latino health paradox’, and the social contexts of health, mental illness, and reproductive health. This film also looks at current research on […]