Neither Here Nor There on Vimeo

Posted on Posted in Acculturation, Documentary, family dynamics, immigrant mothers, Immigration, power and priviledge, story, videos

Migration is embedded in the human psyche. It is part of our early hunter-gatherer history, part of our DNA. Migration is tied to the human spirit, which seeks adventure, pursues dreams, and finds reasons to hope even in the most adverse circumstances.
In recent years, many Latinos from Mexico, Central America, and South America have made the decision to migrate – whether legally or illegally – to the United States. The ethics of migration are complex. There are also many perspectives on why people migrate, how people migrate, the impact migration has on receiving, transit, and sending countries, and whether countries should encourage or limit migration.
This project documents aspects of contemporary migration from the perspectives and stories of ordinary people. Through photographs and video, it tells the story of one Latino family who crossed the border to the U.S seventeen years ago, and despite the great distance and long separation, maintains important connections to their family in Central America.
– Film by Wei Wang

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